11 Ways To Combine Search Engine & Email Marketing for Leads

Posted by Prospero Team | February 10, 2023 | All, email marketing

We all know that search engine marketing and email marketing are two different channels for generating leads. But what if they could work together?

Search engine marketing uses strategies and tactics to increase visibility and traffic on a website through search engine results pages while email marketing involves sending out emails to current or potential customers to build relationships and encourage engagement with a brand or product. Both options are great for enticing prospects and converting them into valuable leads.

What if we had a way to combine the two channels into one powerful lead-generation machine? If you’re looking for a way to combine them, here are the steps.

1. Create a Lead Magnet

With a lead magnet, you can give away something valuable in exchange for your prospect’s contact information. That way, people who need help can opt to get the free guide from your email list—and provide their contact info so that you can follow up with them later on.

Image Source: Hubspot

The first step is to create a lead magnet that offers something valuable. This could be an ebook, checklist, or video series where you show people how to solve the problem they’re facing. The more specific and tailored to your audience, the better.

2. Ensure That Your Content Is Relevant to Your Target Audience

It’s easy to assume that people who want to learn about home improvement will be interested in your ebook. But you should always make sure that your content is relevant to the audience you’re targeting. Otherwise, they’ll be more likely to unsubscribe from your email list and move on with their day.

You can do this by doing a quick survey of what your audience wants to learn about. Use the most important marketing tools like Google Trends or Google Keyword Planner to see what people are searching for online. This will help you find out if there’s an opportunity to provide content that addresses those needs and interests.

Consider the following questions:

  • What does my audience care about?
  • What are their biggest challenges? 
  • Why should they choose me as an expert in this area?

Image Source: Google Trends

3. Create an Email List

The next step after creating a lead magnet is to build an email list. This will allow you to send out updates about your business—as well as other content that people might find valuable such as blog posts.

An email list is the most powerful tool you have to build a community. It allows you to stay top-of-mind with customers and grow a base of advocates who will refer others to you. When done right, it can also be a great source of leads that turn into sales. 

4. Personalize Your Emails

At the end of the day, it’s all about the human touch. Email is still one of the best ways to connect with your customers—and the best way to do that is by personalizing your emails. So instead of sending out mass emails, make sure that each message feels like it was written just for the recipient.

You can do this by adding in their name and personalizing it to their industry or interests. For example, if you’re sending out an email about a new product, you could add something like “I thought that you might be interested in our new widget. It’s great for businesses like yours.”  This makes it feel more personal, which will help drive better engagement rates.

There are also some other ways to make your emails more personal. You can ask a question and then answer it in the next email, or you can send out an email with a special deal. The key is to remember that people don’t like mass emails. 

So, if you want to get better engagement rates, you’ll have to make each message feel more personalized than the last.

Image Source: Jotform

5. Include an Opt-in Form on Your Site and Make It Look Good

The opt-in form should be above the fold on any page that you want people to see—and should look good! If it’s hidden away in a sidebar or below the fold then you’ll miss out on leads.

If you want people to opt in, make it easy for them. Don’t make them search for the form or scroll through a long page full of content before they can find it. Also, be sure to have a clear “opt-in” button that clearly states what will happen after someone clicks on it.

6. Autoresponders to Send Thank-You Emails

You can use an autoresponder to send a thank-you email to your prospects. Autoresponders are emails that are automatically sent out once a person fills out your form. They make it easier for you to follow up with people who have shown interest in what you’re selling—without having to remember or be there when it happens.

Set up an auto-responder that’s personal and relevant to the type of lead that filled out the form. Maybe they signed up for a free trial—so they get an offer for more information on how they can use it more effectively once they sign up. Maybe someone asked about prices, so their auto-responder has pricing details. Whatever works best! And remember to keep these messages short and sweet.

7. Create a Blog

Blogs are an important part of your website’s SEO strategy and can help you rank higher in search results. A blog provides a platform for you to share your expertise and knowledge about your industry, which can help attract new leads. This helps establish trust with readers who may want to work with you or buy from you later on down the line.

Blogs also provide an opportunity to build relationships with your audience. You can write about your industry, share tips and tricks that you’ve learned over time—or even just post entertaining content that will make people want to read more.

Image source: Hubspot

8. Building Landing Pages

Landing pages are a great way to capture the attention of website visitors and turn them into leads. You can use them to promote your offer or collect information from prospects who are interested.

Landing pages are also a great way to build your email marketing list. Send out email newsletters or promotions, which will help you stay in touch with customers and attract new ones.

9. Use Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a popular way to drive traffic to your site, and it can be very effective. The first step is to create specific keywords that people are searching for when they want to find your business. Then, you can use Google AdWords or Facebook Ads to display ads that show up the next time someone searches for those terms.

One of the best things about SEM is how you can use it to find what people are searching for—and create content that answers their questions. This means that you can create high-quality, useful content and still get traffic from search engines. Using SEM as part of an overall strategy to attract new customers is a smart choice.

You can also use SEM to promote your social media posts or create an ad campaign around your website. This is a great way to reach people who aren’t familiar with your brand yet. 

10. Have a Clear Call-To-Action

When you create a website, it’s important to have a clear call-to-action (CTA). This is an action that you want visitors to take. It could be anything from signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase. 

You should also have a clear CTA on email lists and social media posts. Make sure that you’re using all of the tools available to track your website traffic, including Google Analytics and Facebook Insights. In this way, you can see what works best for your business and adjust accordingly.

11. Monitor Your Results

Once you’ve established a new website, it’s important to monitor your results with tools like HubSpot Marketing. This will help you determine what works and what doesn’t work so that you can make adjustments as necessary. You should also set goals for each campaign that you run, including social media posts or email newsletters.

Try to stay on top of trends and make sure that you’re always providing value. This will help you attract customers who are looking for products like yours online.

Keep in mind that you also might have to try several different strategies before you find one that works well for your business. However, once you do find one that works, it’s important to stick with it so that you can continue seeing results.

Image Source: FinancesOnline

Supercharge Your Leads With Search Engine and Email Marketing

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to combine search engine optimization and email marketing. You should now have some good ideas about how they can work together—and what steps you need to take to be successful at both. 

It may seem tedious at first. But when you know what to do and have the right tools in place, it’s quite easy to combine these two powerful marketing methods. 

The key is to remember that SEM and email marketing are not separate entities. They are two parts of a whole, each one relying on the other for success. The more you work with these two marketing tools, the better results you will get.


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