$10 /mo
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Best for individual freelancers. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.



  • Unlimited proposals Create and send as many proposals as your heart desires.
  • AI writing assistant Craft persuasive proposals faster with our AI-driven text generator.
  • Proposal analytics See who viewed your proposal, when, for how long, and from what device.
  • Integrations Connect your proposal with Stripe, Quickbooks and other services.
  • Content library Use our text snippets and images in your proposals in a click, or create your own.
  • Templates Get started quicker with a ready-made template.
  • Live chat support Chat with us if you ever need help.
  • Shared content & proposals Share content and proposals between team members.
  • Users' roles Control user access to your proposals and content.

free for 14 days

How many members are in your team?


Rachael W. Director

I get more proposal approvals in a faster timeframe than when I created proposals manually using pdf and waiting for clients to manually signing, scanning and sending them back to me.

Itay Verchik Entrepreneur

Very easy to use. We use it on our marketing agency, for almost every proposal. It is for professionals.

Marina B. Graphic Designer

Project proposals used to annoy me. It used to be the one aspect of a new project I dreaded. Now I don't even worry about it. Prospero makes it quick and seamless.

Rachael W. Director

I get more proposal approvals in a faster timeframe than when I created proposals manually using pdf and waiting for clients to manually signing, scanning and sending them back to me.

Itay Verchik Entrepreneur

Very easy to use. We use it on our marketing agency, for almost every proposal. It is for professionals.

Marina B. Graphic Designer

Project proposals used to annoy me. It used to be the one aspect of a new project I dreaded. Now I don't even worry about it. Prospero makes it quick and seamless.


Why should I choose Prospero to create my proposals with?

Prospero gives you the freedom and design flexibility to create beautiful proposals on your own, without the need for design skills. Digital, design, marketing, and creative agencies have been with us from the start but many other industries that rely on proposals to bring in new business find Prospero valuable.

I'm not a designer nor an agency. Will Prospero work for me?

Definitely! Our easy to use and user friendly editor will help you create stunning proposals and beautiful built in templates to get you started in minutes. You can easily create professional looking proposals with our flexible and user-friendly drag & drop editor.

Can I contact your support team if I need help?

We provide support for all users (Free & Pro) via chat. Our support team is here to help you from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM GMT+2.

Will I be charged once I start a trial?

No, the 14-day trial is free and is available for you to try and test out Prospero's full suite of proposal-making features. We will only charge you for a subscription once you choose to subscribe after your trial ends.

You don't have a template specific to my industry. Will Prospero still work for me?

Of course! Our ready made professionally designed templates are fully customizable and easy to edit. You can change the content to be more in line with your industry and to match your branding guidelines.


Create proposals with ease

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

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  • Start from $8 a month
  • No credit card required
  • Cancel anytime

4.9/5 – 103 Reviews
