
Outreach Program Proposal Template

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Prepared For Mr. Joseph Mishra

Outreach Program Proposal Template


We are [Company Name], and we are a freelance team ready to help you with your outreach program. We have more than [X] years in the service, so we can give you the attention you need.

Although traditional educational settings are fitting for many students, we understand that not everyone benefits from that, which is why we are here to offer you a specific outreach program for students who prefer a less traditional environment.

Why Us

At [Company Name], we have years of experience working with different outreach programs. We understand the importance of providing services to specific populations, which is why we do our best to help people like you.

Traditional educational settings are the most common environment to study, but it is not the only possibility students have. Thus, if you explore other options with us, you might discover new alternatives and get the results you want.

Past Projects

We have worked with many outreach programs before. If you hire us, you get a team with experience and knowledge. Here are some of our previous projects:

Kindergarten Outreach Program: We ensured the youngest students benefitted from a less traditional educational setting in this project. We organized small group instruction to ensure every student had the attention they required.

Junior Outreach Program: juniors have particular educational needs, which include developing essential social skills. Our program ensured they could learn to communicate appropriately and manage their emotions.

Senior Outreach Program: we have worked with seniors as well. They often need career guidance, which is why we provided that in our program. :

Fees And Budget

We have told you about our experience and past projects. Now, it is time for you to know our budgets and fees to start working together in your outreach program. 

Learning Resources[Price]
General Sports Personnel[Price]


If you want an outreach program to work, you need to track the progress to ensure you meet all the milestones. To determine a project’s effectiveness, you have to decide whether you’re achieving your goals or not. 

You can ask for any additional goal assessment if you need, but when we work with you, we can evaluate your progress by assessing the following milestones: 

  • Student Attendance: since day one. 
  • Student Motivation: since the first day.
  • Parents’ Involvement: three to five times throughout the program.
  • Teacher Collaboration: every week.
  • Overall Results: we can measure the students’ perception of how much they learned and include parents’ involvement and teacher collaboration throughout the program.

Next Steps

Now, you know all the specific features of the services we provide. If you want to work with us, you must follow the terms of the document. Then, we can start working on the project.

The first thing we’re going to do once you sign is to meet with you and everyone involved, for example, the parents and teachers. Thus, we can assess the needs of the students and determine the workers we need during the length of the program.

Secondly, we need to schedule the program and determine how many students may be eligible and the conditions for eligibility.

Lastly, we want to assure you that you can come to us with any question, suggestion, or idea – we are glad to hear you, clarify whatever you need, and work with you to ensure the outreach program fulfils your requirements


1. Any modifications to this document must be signed by all the parties involved.
2. The budget is destined solely for what’s needed for the program.
3. Any requested work outside the scope of this agreement will require a fee reassessment. Additional work will be charged at a rate of $x per hour.
4. You must pay 50% of the total before the program starts and 50% once it’s over.



Prospero team


Mr. Joseph Mishra