
PR Proposal Template

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Prepared For Sam Daniel

PR Proposal Template


Good PR isn’t just about how good you look, or how many people are
talking about you. It’s about sending a codified message about who
you are and what you’ve accomplished to the world.

With that in mind, here at [company], we are dedicated to working
with you to craft the image you want to convey, and then one by one
taking careful steps to create that image where-ever you go.

Our goal as your PR representatives? To take our contacts in print,
social media, television, and more, and turn them into deeper brand
awareness and demonstrable success for the project ahead of you.

Why Me

Our team is a multifaceted group of skilled individuals from every
part of the PR spectrum, and we dedicated to making your project

1. We’ve researched your project thoroughly, and are already excited
about helping you with it. [Team member] and [team member] are
experienced in your industry, and already have ideas on how to move

2. We’ve been the public relations force behind [influential client] and
[influential client]. Their goals were similar to yours, and here [link to
portfolio] you can see demonstrable records of success.

3. Our team has a combined [x] amount of years working in PR.

4, We won’t just be throwing your name into the media to see what
sticks. Our strategy involves carefully determining which avenues will
offer you the most benefit and then pursuing those to your ultimate


Our PR campaigns have three sections. The Pre-Buzz phase encompasses working up excitement includes ongoing targeted social media campaigns in the months leading up to your event.

The Buzz phase includes pre-announcement press such as news coverage, press releases, and live event coverage, including talk shows and interviews.

The Post-Buzz phase includes ongoing coverage, promoting customer testimonials (if applicable) and further local and national news coverage.



Since PRis an ongoing project, we’ll be using milestones to keep you abreast of the situation. Below is our scheduled list of milestones, assuming a six-month project. If you need to make any changes, please get in contact.

Initial MeetingASAP
Pre-Buzz Plan Review/Launch2 Weeks
Pre-Buzz Mid-Execution Review1 Month
Buzz Plan Review6 Weeks
Buzz Launch2 Months
Buzz Mid-Execution Review3 Months
Post-Buzz Plan Review3.5 Months
Post-Buzz Launch4 Months
Post-Buzz Mid-Execution Review5 Months
ProductPost-Campaign Review6 Months

What’s Next

That’s a lot to take in, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. My phone number is [phone number], and Im available any time after 10 AM, Monday-Friday. You can also reach me at [email address], and ll respond as quickly as I can.

After this proposal is approved, you and I will schedule our first meeting together. This is where we’ll sit down and discuss your project, the face you’d like to present to the world, and the ideas we have for making this happen.

Work begins as soon as the first payment goes through. We look forward to starting work with you!


1. The agreement between [company] and [client] will commence on
[date] and last until [date].

2. By signing this agreement, [client] gives [company] the
responsibility to execute public relations efforts that contribute to the
positive public image of [client].

3. The payment structure is as follows: 50% upfront, 50% after project
completion. Methods include PayPal, Bank Transfer, or Credit Card.
Please contact with any questions.

4, Any information received from the client will be kept strictly
confidential. A confidentiality requirement is available by request.

5. [Company] will remain the sole provider of public relations services
for [client]. [Client] agrees not to hire any company to do the same
work as [company].

6. Any documents submitted to [company] by the client will remain
the client’s property. Any original documents produced by [company]
will remain [company’s] property, and copies will be made for our

7. If any work is requested outside the scope of this agreement, a new
assessment will be required. Depending on the results of the
assessment, a new invoice may be required.

8.In the case of project cancellation by the client, the client agrees to
pay for all work hours already completed.



Prospero team


Sam Daniel